Man, This is hard!!!

Well then...

kellie kuhl-erdossy, In your previous birth you were a Noble King

This is just plain wrong....

kellie kuhl-erdossy, In your next birth you will be a Dirty Detective

Totally Kuhl!!!
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Friday, November 23, 2007

Been awhile...I know...

So it has been quite awhile since I have blogged. My body has been bad to me lately. Mouth ulcers suck. Anyway, I was just stopping by to see how every one's Turkey Day was. I see the Military Mom had a great one, but then again how couldn't she? She cooked a 17 pound turkey!! And My2cents made pies!! My wonder husband cook the most fabulous meal for our family and my Mom, Dad, and brother. He made a rosemary turkey...the best I have ever eaten...don't tell my Mother! He made red mashed potatoes and then some great gravy. He got up at 7 in the morning to start the preparations. he made a cheese tray, veggie tray, and a fruit tray. These were not premade trays! He actually took the time to cut everything himself. My husband went above and beyond the call of duty. I am very grateful for him doing all of that just for my family. He took so much time and effort and the outcome was a complete success!! I love him so much. Tim is my can't have him! He is very AWESOME!!!!!

Just to catch up on the weeks I haven't blogged:

1. still hate my job!
2. loving my 2 classes in school...they are hard though!
3. haven't been working out...yes, I will start again this week...PROMISE!!
and the 2 best for last:
-I still miss my sister-sooooo much!!
-My husband, Tim, and my 2 great kids are still the lights of my life!!!!!

I will be better about posting. I will be better about exercising. I miss and love you Military Mom! I love you my SEXY TIM!!

See you guys next time!!!

1 comment:

Military Mom said...

Glad you're back, I missed you! You are so sweet and always make my head swell a little. Love you!