Ok, so Military Mom, aka, my wonderful sister, tagged me to do my 5 favorite things...lets do it then!
Other than my Husband-Tim,kids, and My Great Sister!!!!
1. Music-I would die without it!
2. School-I am loving my classes!
3. My Balance Ball-I need to use it more though!!!
4. My pretty little kittie kittie-My crazy cat Scarlett!!!
5. My medication-I would be in the nut house without it!!!
So there they are...sorry they are not accompanied by pictures, but my brain is lacking substance tonight.
I hope to see you online this weekend Military Mom! Love you!!
This is just plain wrong....
kellie kuhl-erdossy, In your next birth you will be a Dirty Detective |
Totally Kuhl!!!
Friday, November 30, 2007
5 favorite things...
Posted by Little Diver at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Been awhile...I know...
So it has been quite awhile since I have blogged. My body has been bad to me lately. Mouth ulcers suck. Anyway, I was just stopping by to see how every one's Turkey Day was. I see the Military Mom had a great one, but then again how couldn't she? She cooked a 17 pound turkey!! And My2cents made pies!! My wonder husband cook the most fabulous meal for our family and my Mom, Dad, and brother. He made a rosemary turkey...the best I have ever eaten...don't tell my Mother! He made red mashed potatoes and then some great gravy. He got up at 7 in the morning to start the preparations. he made a cheese tray, veggie tray, and a fruit tray. These were not premade trays! He actually took the time to cut everything himself. My husband went above and beyond the call of duty. I am very grateful for him doing all of that just for my family. He took so much time and effort and the outcome was a complete success!! I love him so much. Tim is my man...you can't have him! He is very AWESOME!!!!!
Just to catch up on the weeks I haven't blogged:
1. still hate my job!
2. loving my 2 classes in school...they are hard though!
3. haven't been working out...yes, I will start again this week...PROMISE!!
and the 2 best for last:
-I still miss my sister-sooooo much!!
-My husband, Tim, and my 2 great kids are still the lights of my life!!!!!
I will be better about posting. I will be better about exercising. I miss and love you Military Mom! I love you my SEXY TIM!!
See you guys next time!!!
Posted by Little Diver at 9:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Posted by Little Diver at 12:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Yes..this is me...
So, my sister, Military Mom, has tagged me for this desk top thing. Well, here it is!!! Yes, it says, As usual, I am drunk and full of pills.
The whole thing is pretty basic and has many folders for school and such. The IM is for my sis...who won't answer me right now! Anyway, I would tag some people for this, but I have no one to tag, but Military Mom. Redundant for her to do it again. Hope you enjoy my desk top...I know I do!
Posted by Little Diver at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Ever had a day like this??? Hope not!
So yesterday morning at 7:35am I was taking the kids to school. I was stopped waiting to take a left onto the road of the school. I can see the school from where I am. I start to turn left then...I see a man rolling onto my hood of the car. I had no idea what just took place, was he on foot, a bike, and motorcycle??? I got out and saw a motorcycle laying right in front of the car and a man leaning against the front of the car. I am freaking in my head, trying to keep my composure...I say "I am so sorry!!!"...he said..."it's ok sweetheart"...I said "NO, IT'S NOT!!! I JUST HIT YOU WITH MY CAR!!!". I had a few people helping us so that was good. We got him to the side of the road. EMTs said he was going to be sore and bruised, but ok. I was still freaking out because they life-flighted him. They assured me it was just standard precaution. My poor kids were in the back of the car watching everything go on. The kids and I are ok, my car? No. His motorcycle? Not bad actually. How did this happen???? Not sure??!! I honestly did not see him. The sun was barely up by then, but none the less, we all had our lights on right??!! Yep, we did. So, I was barely over the middle line of the road when I hit him. I was going no more than 5-6 mph. I only moved about 5 feet, if even. My car was not even all the way in his lane. The front of my car was hardly over the line! What happened???? Well, it was determined my the county and the State Trooper, and the 2 witnesses, that he was speeding. This was a school zone-35mph. they figure he was going about 50-60mph. Does this help the fact that I hit a man? Hell no! My anxiety level is through the roof! I have never been in a wreck, much less hit a man on a motorcycle. I feel horrible. The Tropper did not ticket or fine me because he said the guy could have stopped, but didn't even try. I am getting charged with the wreck though. I feel horrible. One good thing came out of this...my son now is off the whole I want a motorcycle thing!!!! Anyway, that was my Monday. It sucked. I hope the man is ok and doesn't try to sue the shit out of me. My ins. will get all his stuff, but some people really suck!! Hopefully, he is not a people hater!! I will keep a post on the outcome. I will tell how he is doing if I can ever find out.
I hope that everyone else in the world had a better day than I did yesterday.
On a brighter note...tomorrow is All Hallows Eve!!! I am a big Halloween geek! I am going to be CARRIE-bloody and creepy!!!
I will post pics if you do!!!
Posted by Little Diver at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I'm loving it!!!
Thursday I started my working out stuff. I had to wait til I had hot water again. Anyway, Thursday I did 55 minutes with the balance ball. I really felt the muscle burn on Friday. I did 15 minutes on Friday morning, then did another 55 minutes today! I love that thing!!! The balance ball really gives a workout. My abs are really sore, but that means I did it right...right? My ticker hasn't moved, but I am hoping to see some results because I plan to continue this everyday! Military Mom your mat is on it's way!!!! I hope you are getting some rest this weekend after your long hard work week. I loves you!
Posted by Little Diver at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ok, I get it! I know that we must do what we talk about constantly...get into shape. So my awesome sister, Military Mom, has put a goal out there for herself. Now I can't make her do this by herself...so, I will do my best to do the 30 minutes a day and move that ticker a bit down. I guess it only makes sense since I complain constantly about my big butt and fat stomach. I understand that talking does nothing for me, so I have to do the actions. My many excuses will have to go out the window and I have to grow up about this no time thing...I will make time! So here is to all the procrastinators, excuse makers, and complaining chics who want to actually do something other than what we are use to...nothing...and start exercising! CHEERS to Missy Military Mom!!! You are my motivation! I love you!
Posted by Little Diver at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
What a Week!!!!!
This week was basically crap! My wonderful husband is going crazy in his job...so that means I am just going crazy. He actually has two, yes 2, days off soon. He has Sun and Mon. This is a good thing!
So my useless class I was taking are now finished. I recieved a "B" on both of my finals. I am now in Philosophy and Psychology...both intro classes and I absolutely love them so far.
I have just read my sister's blog and saw some inspiration...tickers! I started my weight loss ticker...we will see how that goes! Wish me luck!
I guess this whole I don't have time to workout thing is just a bunch of crap! Come on woman!!!!! I will do better!!!
You will see my ticker for school soon...as soon as I can find the perfect one!
Thank you Military Mom!!! You are the BEST ever! I love my b-day presents and all the advice on relaxing and such! Maybe we can help eachother with this workout thing! I love you!!! Kisses!!
Posted by Little Diver at 1:14 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
For Garrett.
Today my first son was born. His name is Garrett Taylor Ferguson. He was so beautiful. His curly hair and olive skin,hazel green eyes, I remember it like yesterday. Garrett was the best little boy, and I am sure, the best young man. You see, years ago I was not the best person, I was into drugs,never ate, and could not stick up for myself. I lost Garrett to his Dad during the divorce. From there I continued down a stupid path that has reflected on my relationship with him today. I have not seen Garrett in 6 years. The last time I was able to look into his beautiful little face was 6 years ago. It is the hardest thing for me to say...I haven't seen Garrett in 6 years. I feel like a horrible person for not fighting for him, ever. I know that he is being taken care of very well, but there is not a day that goes by that I don't want to breakdown and lose it. I think back and remember how he smiles and laughs, it is the sweetest thing. I have one picture of him, yes, ONE. Tylor, my 2nd beautiful boy, keeps it next to his bed. He wants to meet his brother so bad. He can't remember him. I wish so much that I get the courage to find and fight to see him. I am not sure how long this Mom can go without him anymore. I just want the world to know that I am sorry for my past decisions. I love Garrett very much, and wish that he could read this. I love you Garrett Taylor! I can't wait to see you one day. I know that you are a wonderful person and you deserved so much better. MOM (kellie)
Posted by Little Diver at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sometimes I can't hear myself think!!!!!
Have you ever been so overwhelmed with your wonderful children telling you about their school day????????????????????????
Well, I get home about 2 minutes before they do. This means that I do not even get to get the mail, let my dog out, or pet my cat before they come RUNNING, literally. I get so claustrophobic!!! My air get thin, my brain is screaming, and my fake smile is very hard to maintain. I love my crazy kids, but I need a MOM break every now and again. My wonderful husband does not have to worry about kid homework or laundry, and normal cleaning-yes, I am jealous! I feel like a housewife, without the bon-bons and awesome gym membership with a great body! Instead I work 25 hours a week, do all the kid stuff, and do my own school work, clean, and do laundry. Tim works 45 hours a week and then watches Sportcenter and football. He does cook from time to time, but not often enough to count. I am not bitter, ok, I am a bit. So, I guess this is why I have this here blogger, to vent!!! I found it's special purpose!!!
I know that I am on medication daily to control my craziness, but I still get to the point of: NOT BEING ABLE TO HEAR MYSELF THINK!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Little Diver at 1:42 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Classes that are irrelavant!!
The classes that I am taking right now in school are not relavant to my degree! Why do I have to learn about "Religions of the World"??? It is an iteresting class, but I have way too much knowledge about different religions now. I will not use this in my daily life or my future employment of choice. GGGRRrrrrrr.
The other class I am taking is Environmental Science. Now this class is hard! It is pretty crappy learning about how horrible the Earth is because humans live on it! How because the ozone depletion is going to kill just about everything...yes, even synthetic materails are going to be harmed! Anyway...I will not use this in Psychology! I am a Psychology students, not a tree hugger. I do my best to use less energy and stuff, but I already knew our Earth is in danger! I did not need to know every little detail of it! It makes me feel really horrible being a human.
See maybe I can counsel Tree Huggers that took this class or something. At least I would know what they were taking about!
I am starting my first two degree related classes next month...everyone, WISH ME LUCK!
I just needed to vent about my classes...I just finished my paper on the
5 Pillars of Islam...understand now?
Posted by Little Diver at 11:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I can't believe I'm missing it!!!!
Tonight is the Blue October concert. I will not be there. that bites. This band is so great and means a great deal to me. The music, lyrics, and voice are to wonderful to put into words. Anyway, i had to make a quick gripe about me not being there. i guess i will just have to settle with the two shows i will be at next week. thursday night is HENRY ROLLINS (not the music) and sunday night is STRUNG OUT!!!!! yeah, this band is fantabulous...not to mention the singer jason cruz is very hot and sexy!!!!! yes, my husband knows i say this!
I will miss tonight, but i will have to get over it. my friend daniel will have to fill me in...damn him for going!!
Posted by Little Diver at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Stupid day...
Today at work sucked badly! i think that the place i work at is about to close. we have been struggling for a long time. business has been very slow. so between me and tim, we are pretty much in a crap mood today. things are getting a bit more serious, my boss said we might just have to close because we can't pay our electric bill, among other bills. so anyway, i guess i need to start looking for new employment, that is a hard thing for 2 people to do when you only have 1 car! i guess my bad luck just NEVER goes aways!!!!!!
Posted by Little Diver at 11:44 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Cyndi can...why can't I???
Today I was thinking that sometimes I just don't feel like speaking out loud, so I will do as my great sister has done...blog. I will just be venting or chatting to myself mostly. I am very good at talking to myself! So, lets me get my profile done and we will see how it goes!!
Posted by Little Diver at 2:49 PM 0 comments