Man, This is hard!!!

Well then...

kellie kuhl-erdossy, In your previous birth you were a Noble King

This is just plain wrong....

kellie kuhl-erdossy, In your next birth you will be a Dirty Detective

Totally Kuhl!!!
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people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Monday, October 22, 2007


Ok, I get it! I know that we must do what we talk about constantly...get into shape. So my awesome sister, Military Mom, has put a goal out there for herself. Now I can't make her do this by, I will do my best to do the 30 minutes a day and move that ticker a bit down. I guess it only makes sense since I complain constantly about my big butt and fat stomach. I understand that talking does nothing for me, so I have to do the actions. My many excuses will have to go out the window and I have to grow up about this no time thing...I will make time! So here is to all the procrastinators, excuse makers, and complaining chics who want to actually do something other than what we are use to...nothing...and start exercising! CHEERS to Missy Military Mom!!! You are my motivation! I love you!

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